5 Tips To Start Playing Songs as Soon as Possible

songs May 09, 2017

It’s an exciting time. You’ve got your first guitar, your first songbook, your first chord book, and your first blisters (pain is progress!).

But how do we get this clunky instrument sounding like our favorite songs?

The first few months of learning the guitar can be slow and painful. The real fulfillment from learning the guitar comes from playing the music you love. Getting to that point will take time.

How do we shorten that time?

If your goal is to learn how to play your favorite songs, there are a few key things you should focus on to get you there as soon as possible.

1) Practice Your Chords.

Every song is made up of chords. Learn these chords. You’ll find some chords are used more than others.

G and C are two of the most difficult chords in learning guitar. They are also among the most common in popular music. Don’t skip these ones just because they appear to be too difficult.

Changing between chords quickly is absolutely crucial. The less “dead...

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Chasing Cars Guitar Tutorial

songs Apr 24, 2017

This Snow Patrol poptastic tune is pretty easy but with a bit of a stretch if you are up for it, with some great options for exploring layering (two guitars).

Download the TAB here: CHASING CARS (CLICK HERE)

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