It takes two hands to play the guitar.
Everyone wants to play with a lightning-fast fretting hand; it’s a classic rock star aesthetic. This will only be an aesthetic if you don’t also work on your picking hand.
In your first few guitar lessons, you will have learned to keep your hands working together as you pick notes and strum chords.
However, a lot of players start focusing on their fretting hand too heavily once they get the basics of picking hand technique down.
Beginners – get into the habit of practicing picking and strumming technique as much as you practice your chords, scales, and riffs. It WILL pay off huge.
Intermediates – Don’t be a player that impresses, be a player that expresses.
Players of every level, take your playing to the next level up by training your picking hand in these areas.
When learning a solo, or a pattern, or even an intricate strumming pattern, start slow, and focus on picking or strumming each...