5 Classic Riffs Every Budding Guitarist Should Learn, and Why

licks Aug 01, 2017

They’re the riffs every guitar shop owner is sick of. Played by every guitar student in the rockverse.

There’s a good reason for it; they’re amazing riffs. They sound complicated, but are quite simple to learn. Learning these riffs will not only impress your friends, but also introduce you to different playing techniques and exercises, and improve your playing.

Sweet Home Alabama – Lynyrd Skynyrd

This southern rock riff is unmistakable. The whole song is filled with top-notch guitar work, but this riff has got all the necessities of great country-rock guitar playing.

The majority of the riff is based around standard Dmaj, Cmaj, and Gmaj chord forms. Rather than strumming these chords, the guitarist plucks a certain sequence of notes from the open chords, creating more of a riff. This is a great way to make a simple chord progression sound more interesting.

The first few notes also introduce palm-muting. Palm muting is a great way to add percussion to your...

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Fun Hammer-On Guitar Lick

licks Jul 25, 2017

This guitar lick is heavy on hammer and smooth on country :) What I mean by that is - prepare to play lots of hammer-ons with a country music vibe. It's an amazing exercise even if you don't enjoy the style of music. Great for both hands. Have fun!

Download the TAB here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/07ccm05ds0b9j3x/Country%20%26%20Hammer.pdf?dl=0

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Open E Shape Guitar Lick

licks Apr 24, 2017

If you know the E chord, you'll love this lick. I'm a big fan of using the open strings and letting them ring out.

In this lesson, you'll take the E major shape and move it all around the neck. The key to this lick is making sure you use the dot markers to help you find the fret positions quickly. Also, keep your fingers on the strings when you're moving up and down the neck so you don't have to keep resetting your fingers.


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